When Edythe was four, here were some of the things that were going on in her world


Average income:$2,209. New Car: 650. New House:3,395. Dow Jones Average: 900. Gold, per ounce:$20.67 Silver, per ounce:.54 Gallon of gas:.11 Gallon of milk:.35 Loaf of bread:.04


"The Grand Trunk Pacific railway offers 10,000 business openings for men and women to help dvelop the vast empire in Western Canada. Hundreds of new towns will sring up: a village yesterday, a town today, a city tomorrow."


Philipsborn of Chicago, Illinois, offers a corset socver and drawers for $.98 and a matching corset cover and skirt for the same, low $.98


In 1859 Col. Edwin Drake drills the first oil well and calls the new substance "petroleum." In 1969 Robert Cheesbrough purifies some petroleum until it becomes thick and clear, and named it "vaseline." In the early 1900's it was sold for a "few small pieces of copper coin," as cleaner than soap, purer than spring water, to be used as a softener and protector of the skin.

Electric Stove

The Detroit Fireless Stove Co., in Detroit, Michigan offers a stove that can be started with only a "few minutes current from an ordinary lamp socket." It "saves fuel, time, heat, money, temper, and energy."


The C. E. Bennett Typewriter Co., of New York sells a typewriter that can be carried in an overcoat pocket, with a weight of 4.5 lbs. With a standard keyboard it does all that the higher-priced machines do, for $18.

Electric Cleaner

The Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., of Detroit, Michigan, says that it costs less than 1 cent per hour to perate, is so light a child can use it, and offers a free trial.

More Fashion

K&E Idea Blouse asks "Can a boy take pride in his blouse?" as the lead-in in an ad that, of course, answers "yes." And it will "save his mother sewing and bother." It promises Honest Materials and guaranteed fast colors.
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